The Reality of Quilting

What sort of quilter are you?

As a quilter, do you face the reality of quilting? Do you meet it head on and finish what you start? Or do you start several projects and let them linger?  I’m afraid that I often fall into the latter category.  For example, I might begin work on a baby quilt, but have an idea for a throw quilt on my mind.  Soon, that idea begins to grow and I feel a desire to get started on it.  Consequently, I will put the baby quilt aside and begin on the throw.  Or, I might become bored with a quilting project,  put it away for a while, and begin a new one.

However, do I eventually return to those abandoned projects?  I have previously admitted that I can be a great procrastinator.  This is especially so when an unfinished quilt that I have put away begins to nag at me.  As a result, I soon begin to resent it!  Unfair, I know.  That quilt has done nothing wrong!

A while ago, I faced the reality of quilting head on.  I pulled out my box of unfinished projects and finished them off one by one.  Consequently, I had an empty box to store away plus more space in my sewing room.  Without doubt, that was a great feeling!  

Do you want to conquer UFO procrastination?  This article from National Quilters Circle has great advice to help you face the reality of quilting.

Read more posts from Red Bridge Quilts.  

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