Are You a Left-Handed Sewer?

left-handed sewer

Are you a left-handed sewer? What are the challenges you encounter as a left-hander when trying to sew or quilt? How do you overcome these challenges?

August 13th was International Left-Handers Day.  Specifically, it was a day dedicated to left-handers.  About one in ten people are left-handed, so it is a bit of a rarity.  However, many famous people have been/are lefties.  For example,  Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, David Cameron, Winston Churchill and Prince William.  

In general, almost everything in the world favours right-handers.  Consequently, left-handed people run into many obstacles in everyday life.  So, how does being left-handed affect a sewer or a quilter?

Read how one woman overcame and embraced this difference. 

Read more posts from Red Bridge Quilts

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