Why Learn How to Quilt Now?

a young Colonial woman sitting at a window quilting

Why learn how to quilt now? If you are not already a quilter, now is the perfect time to learn this wonderful and rewarding craft. Modern sewing machines and tools make it easy! Not only that, but quilting classes are easy to find nearly everywhere.  For example, many craft shops or sewing shops offer all levels of quilting classes.  Furthermore, you will meet others who have the same interest.  As a result, you could make a new friend or two.  What’s not to like about that? 

Quilting During Colonial Times

The image above shows a young Colonial woman hand-piecing quilt squares together.  She is sitting by a window for the best light.  Look closely and you will see one of the squares is the same fabric as her dress.  Without a doubt, she made her dress as well! 

This image looks like a scene from Colonial Williamsburg.  Well worth a visit if you have never been. 

In those days, the women made all quilts by hand.  (To this day, there are still many women who prefer this method.  An aunt of mine was one of them.) However, eventually the sewing machine came along and transformed the world of sewing and quilting.

The Evolution of Quilting

Quilting has evolved tremendously over the years.  Modern sewing machines, special sewing machines for quilting, and computerised machines have made learning how to quilt so much easier and faster.  Additionally, there are a myriad number of quilting tools on the market today which also helps a quilter work more quickly. 

While we enjoy visiting places like Colonial Williamsburg or watching programs like Little House on the Prairie, there is no better time like the present to learn how to quilt.

Read a bit about the history of quilting and learn why now is the best time to make a quilt. 

See other posts from Red Bridge Quilts.  


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