What Is a Round Robin Quilt?

an example of a Round Robin style quilt

What is a Round Robin Quilt? Have you ever participated in a Round Robin Quilt Exchange? If not,  you and your quilt group will enjoy participating in this fun activity.

About twenty years ago, I participated in a variation of this type of project.  I belonged to a small quilt group with 12 members.  We met up monthly in each others’ homes.  However, not everyone was able to attend every month due to one thing or another.  Consequently, we never seemed to have a problem fitting into various sitting rooms. 

Our Project 

During this time, we decided to do a Friendship Block Exchange.  It is a bit similar to a Round Robin Quilt Exchange.  The basic rules were simple.  In order to participate, we had to choose our fabrics and purchase enough to make twelve 12 1/2″ blocks.  Subsequently, we passed the fabrics around from one person to the next.  Critically, however, we kept each member’s fabrics together so as not to mix them up. 

Accordingly, after receiving a fabric pack from another member, we each made our own favourite block using these fabrics.  If needed, we could add a bit of our own personal fabric to the mix.  Furthermore, after finishing a block, we signed it using a fabric marking pen, wrote down the name of the block, plus a small message if desired.  

At the time, I was greatly influenced (and still am) by the blue and yellow combination of the kitchen and dining room in Monet’s house in Giverny.  Therefore, I chose these colours for my own fabric pack.  Also, because I am originally from Ohio, I always made the Ohio Star block for my contribution to the others’ quilts. 

So, as a result, each person received a block from the other eleven members.  Then, we each made our own block to make a total of twelve blocks.  Finally, we sewed these blocks together and finished off the quilt top as desired

Where is my finished project?

Now for my confession.  I am ashamed to say that I am guilty of grave procrastination.  There, I’ve said it.  After more than twenty years, I STILL HAVE NOT MADE MY OWN BLOCK TO ADD TO THE OTHER ELEVEN!!  All my fabric and the other blocks are well organised and waiting for me.  Somehow, I have just not found the time.  I realise that’s no excuse.  Consequently, as a result of writing this down, I am spurred on to finish this project from so long ago.  It will bring back so many nice memories of a group of very lovely ladies. 

Now back to the Round Robin Quilt Exchange, another great quilt group activity.  Kristine Lundblad has written a short but detailed explanation for “Quilting Daily”  on how to go about making one.  You can read her article on Round Robin Quilts here.    

As for me, no more procrastinating!

Read more posts from Red Bridge Quilts.  

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