What are Hanging Corners?

hanging corners

Red Bridge Quilts often uses hanging corners to facilitate the hanging of a quilt.  They are a quick and simple method to use for any wall hanging with a width of one metre or less.  They really are so easy to make and attach. 

How to make hanging corners:

Simply measure the width of the quilt before adding the binding.  Divide this number by 3.  For example, if the quilt measures 75 cm wide, then you would need to cut two pieces of fabric each measuring 25 cm square.  Next, fold each square diagonally to form triangles and press.  Now, baste the raw edges of these corners onto the raw edges at the top back of the quilt.  Finally, stitch them permanently into place when attaching the binding.  To hang, cut a dowel the width of the hanging and insert it into the hanging corners.  Then simply hang your masterpiece on a nail or hook.

spring table décor or wall hanging
Hanging corners

Hanging sleeves

An alternative method is a hanging sleeve.  Hanging sleeves are perfect for a quilt measuring wider than one metre.  This involves making a “tube” and sewing it onto the upper back of the hanging.  Then insert a dowel or decorative rod through the hanging sleeve. 

The ends of the dowel should peek out a bit on each end of the tube, as in the photo below.  Hang your nails/hooks accordingly on the wall.  Or, you could attach a decorative ribbon or cord to each end of the dowel and hang it on a single hook on the wall.  On the contrary, if you wish to use a decorative rod, then make sure it protrudes from both sides of the hanging..  Decorative rods usually have lovely knobs or finials on the ends.  Mount brackets on the wall and hang your quilt on the decorative rod.  You  will have a stunning finished look.

Dans une Rue de Paris, a quilted wall hanging showing an attractive Parisian neighbourhood
Hanging sleeve

Hanging tabs

Similarly, another method to use is to attach hanging tabs.  I like to use these also because they add another dimension to the overall look.  In the same way as with tab curtains, add the fabric tabs along the top of the hanging when sewing the binding. Then, simply insert a decorative rod for hanging.  Another beautiful finish. 

Christmas wall hanging
Hanging tabs

In conclusion, there are many ways to hang a quilt.  For this purpose here, I have described just a few.  You might like to read about wall hangers to hang your quilts in this article by “Quiltdom”.  (Warning:  lots of pop-up ads in this one.) 

See the current selection of RBQ’s wall hangings, most of which employ hanging corners.

How do you hang your quilts?

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