Tips for Recycling an Old Quilt

what to do with an old quilt

What to do with an old quilt that is worn and overused?  Perhaps it might have a hole, or some of the stitching has come out.  We could all do with some tips for recycling an old quilt.  Unfortunately, some people would throw it straight into the bin.  However, this would be a shame, especially if the quilt had been handmade especially for you.  

Also, this is not the best solution for the environment.  Fortunately today, most of us are aware of the need to take care of the world around us.  For example, we use reusable coffee cups when we go for a takeaway coffee.  Or, we choose paper bags over plastic ones.  Even better, we take reusable bags with us when we do our shopping. 

So  what can we do with an old quilt that will be environmentally friendly?  Read  this article from “The Quilting Hub” for some great tips for recycling an old quilt. 

See other posts from Red Bridge Quilts.  

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