Sustainable Quilting

An example of sustainable quilting

Sustainable quilting is not new. Reduce, reuse and recycle is the new mantra, but this has long been a quilting tradition. How can we maintain this?

Last month I published a post entitled “Save Those Scraps”.  I was referring to the habit that quilters have of never throwing away scrap fabrics.  For example, when making a quilt there are usually some bits of fabric left over.  Habitually, I toss them into my scrap collection.  Undoubtedly, I will find myself dipping into this collection to find just the right size and colour I need for a new quilt.  As a result, it’s not necessary for me to buy or cut into a new fabric.  This is an example of both reducing and reusing.

As quilters, we also enjoy making “memory” quilts.  For instance, we like to make quilts using outgrown baby clothing.  As a result, we have a lovely keepsake of when our children were very young.  This is a great example of reusing and recycling.  

Likewise, if we belong to sewing or quilting groups, we have the opportunity to swap fabrics from time to time.  Many groups such as these often have monthly or annual “fabric swaps”.  This is also a great example of recycling.

Sustainable Quilts is also a competition category in The Festival of Quilts from 1-4 August, 2024, at the NEC in Birmingham, England.  This demonstrates how seriously quilters are taking the ‘3Rs’.  

This article from “Quilting Daily” highlights three artists who do a fantastic job following the ‘3Rs’.  In addition, it contains several tips to help the average quilter do the same.  

See more posts from Red Bridge Quilts.

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