How to Discover Helpful New Quilting Techniques

A man and two women asking questions

Would you like to quilt like an expert?  Wouldn’t you love to learn the quilting techniques of expert quilters? 

Unless you already are an expert quilter, this goal could take years to achieve.  Of course, a good way to learn more and improve your quilting skills is to take classes.  But where can you find classes?  Dedicated quilt shops normally offer them on a regular basis.  Or you could join a quilting club and learn from others in the group.  Many quilting clubs offer beginner workshops as well as workshops on specific quilting techniques or patterns.  Alternatively, you may have a friend who makes beautiful quilts and ask him/her to teach you the basics.  Quilters love to talk about quilting, and they would be happy to teach you.

However, to be an expert quilter takes many years of practice.  Meanwhile, why not get a few tips from some experts?  In this article from Quilting Daily, seven expert quilters share their favourite quilting techniques and give us a few tips.

See other posts from Red Bridge Quilts.  

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