A Quilting Retreat Can Be Humorous

two women at a quilting retreat

If you are a quilter, no doubt you have attended  a quilting retreat at one time or another.  They are a great opportunity to get away from it all and spend time with other people who enjoy the same hobby.  Why, one can even take a quilting cruise!  How great is that?  It’s like a holiday with a quilting theme.  I could easily go for that! 

A quilting cruise can be a bit extravagant and over the top.  However, in the world of quilting there are many types of retreats available.  For example, one’s own guild could organise a local one.  This type would probably be the least expensive.  The participants could still stay overnight in their own homes but arrive at a designated nearby location every day.  Or, it could be a weekend away at an out-of-town location.  

Most retreats involve bringing your own machine plus quilting supplies such as fabrics, rulers, tools, etc.  Participants would receive a list of needed supplies ahead of time.  Organised retreats usually involve everyone learning the same technique and applying it to a set project.  As a result, everyone leaves with their interpretation of the project as well as having learned something new. 

However, the best part of a quilting retreat is the comradery and making new quilting friends.   

Read about a quilting retreat where the quilters were all finely and humorously tuned in to one another.  

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