How to Make Your Sewing Machine Happy

colourful graphic of a happy-looking sewing machine

How can you make your sewing machine happy?ย  As a quilter or sewer, it is very important to maintain a happy sewing machine. If your machine is happy, you are happy.ย  On the other hand, what happens if your machine is not happy?ย  For example, imagine you are eager to begin a project, you sit down and begin sewing, but your machine jams immediately. Obviously, it is not happy and neither are you!ย  So how can you make your sewing machine happy?ย 

First, you have to determine what is wrong.ย  Sometimes it is something obvious.ย  Furthermore, it is often an easy fix.ย  Naturally, you would prefer to avoid this delay completely.ย  However, how can you do that?ย  Fortunately, there is a great article from Quilting Daily with eight expert tips to put into practice.ย  Follow these important tips to make your sewing machine happy all the time.

Do you have any other tips?ย  If so, please comment below.ย 

See otherย postsย from Red Bridge Quilts.ย 



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